Perhaps life has had its ups and downs. And lately, life seems to be holding you down more than bringing you up. Is therapy the answer?
With many misconceptions and stigmas related to therapy, this can seem like a difficult decision.
Here are some common myths and truths about therapy to help you discern the reality of seeking help through therapy.
Myth #1: Therapists can read my mind.
- Truth: A therapist is not a mind reader. A therapist will listen with curiosity. A therapist can listen to help give you more understanding. The therapist can facilitate guidance in supporting you in your values and help you to choose actions and behaviors that are relevant for you.
- A therapist only knows what you tell them and can only assist you to the extent that you let them. There is no magic wand, no all powerful being; just someone to help you grow into the best version of yourself that you aspire to.
Myth #2: Only “crazy” people go to therapy.
- Truth: People need guidance and direction. Many people go to therapists to help them with this. That does not make someone “crazy”. We are all trying to navigate through life and support can really help us to do this effectively
- A therapist can help guide you and help direct you when life feels unbalanced. No one is perfect 100% of the time, and a therapist can offer new skills and techniques at all levels for any individual. Effective change usually requires lots of trial and error, but this will also encourage lots of growth.
Myth #3: If I choose a therapist, I am stuck with them.
- Truth: The relationship between you and your therapist is the number one factor determining the success of your therapy. You wouldn’t choose just anyone to be a close friend. And you wouldn’t choose just anyone to be your partner. If you don’t feel like you click with your therapist, it’s okay. Just let them know and find a new therapist. It really is that easy. This is your journey, your choice, and your success depends on it.
Myth #4: A therapist will tell me what to do and try to “fix” me.
- Truth: A therapist can share their knowledge and perspective with you. They can guide you in making decisions that are rational, well thought out, balanced, and in alignment with your expressed values.
- Strengthening your own decision-making and reasoning skills will increase your confidence and self-esteem while boosting your independence. A therapist can help you gain clarity and understanding, but the action will come from you. If you are open, willing, and up for the challenge, the therapist is a supportive guide that can be there every step of the way.
Myth #5: My problems are not “real”.
- Truth: “Problems” are all relative. Your problem is legit to you. And if you don’t deal with them, they will end up affecting not just you, but those closest to you as well.
- Everyone deserves to be happy. Most people have regrets, things we are not proud of, or wounds that have not yet healed.
- Many of us have hurt others or been hurt intentionally or unintentionally. We all deserve to feel whole, to heal, and to learn to move through and forgive ourselves and others.
Myth #6: I am just being “emotional”.
- Truth: Therapy provides a safe place to express your feelings. In this space, you can learn and try new ways of expressing yourself. You can experiment with and find new ways of feeling and being.
- Once we learn ways of expressing our negative feelings and giving a voice to our pain, we can grow in all relationships with others and even within ourselves.
You deserve to move through your struggles and insecurities while discovering how to make your dreams a reality. You deserve to have the life you want.
Therapy cannot make us happy all the time, but it can provide us with tools and help us learn to weather the ups and downs that life brings. We can then challenge ourselves to face the difficult days head on while truly enjoying the good with all of our hearts.
If you would like to explore therapy with me, I’d be honored to talk with you further about your goals and to see about scheduling, etc. Please feel free to reach out to me via the link below or call me at 619-787-9425 and I look forward to speaking with you soon.